Yorkshire Lowland Search and Rescue (YLSAR) is a voluntary search and rescue team who are specialists in searching for high-risk vulnerable missing persons. The team is a diverse mix of people with a combination of skills from many different walks of life.
We are part of the UK Search and Rescue Framework (UK SAR) www.uksar.com and a part of the Association of Lowland Search and Rescue (ALSAR) www.lowlandrescue.org and support both South Yorkshire and Humberside police and other statutory bodies in the search and rescue for vulnerable missing persons.
Operational team members are trained to national standards and fully equipped to assist the Police in search and rescue operations for missing and vulnerable persons in lowland and urban areas and provide inland water search and rescue and civil contingency operations such as flooding. Vulnerable people can include those with dementia, despondent or suicidal, have a mental health issue etc. We can operate as a single team or jointly with other teams and across force borders. The teams are equipped and trained to provide initial medical care/supportand getting that person to a place of safety.